My story started when I moved to Dubai from California where upon my skin did a complete 180 and I found myself facing:
Adult acne
( I only ever had the occasional pre-period pimple )
Dark circles
( The panda look didn’t really suit me)
Dry, itchy skin
( I blame the water here )
Uneven skintone, pigmentation
( I guess there are some drawbacks to having 365 days of desert sunshine)
Dull, lack luster complexion
( A combination of all of the above plus the stress of my skin going haywire!)
Needless to say the skincare enthusiast in me took over and I went on a skincare shopping spree
I swear I must have tried every cream, serum, oil & butter from drug store to department store brands only to find that nothing worked.
After getting increasingly frustrated & rapidly broke as I spent hundreds every week on every product that promised to solve my skin problems.
I turned to the internet in a desperate last ditch attempt & stumbled upon natural skincare formulations.
From there began my two year journey of self study, research & experimentation ( so many failed attempts ) till I finally came up with the Butter Rose Botanicals formulations
All of the formulas were created after meticulous research of every ingredient that I selected based on its ability to treat & improve the skin concerns I had.
And I am proud to say that to this day I have not bought a single skincare product.
My skincare routine consists of using exclusively my own products & my skin is finally healthy, glowing & I receive compliments all the time
I am so happy to finally share these wonderful products with you & get you started on your journey to glowing, radiant skin naturally.